Q&A With SCPGA's Newest Member Natalie Vivaldi

Get to know the SCPGA's newest member, Natalie Vivaldi, as we celebrate Women's Golf Month

Self Introduction 

NATALIE VIVALDI: My name is Natalie Vivaldi, and I’m the Director of Instruction at Emerald Isle Golf Course.


What’s your favorite thing about being an SCPGA Member? 

NATALIE VIVALDI: One of my many favorite things about being an SCPGA Member is all the incredible people I get to meet in the industry and the stories we get to share with each other.


What does Women’s Golf Month mean to you? 

NATALIE VIVALDI: Women’s Golf Month means the word to me because growing up, there were not a lot of women playing the sport, and now women and children are the fastest-growing population in the golf industry which is very exciting to me.


What advice would you give to aspiring female golfers who are considering a career in the golf industry? 

NATALIE VIVALDI: DO IT! We need more females in the industry because of their drive, commitment to growing the game, and the different perspectives we bring.


Can you share any memorable experiences or achievements that have shaped your journey as a female golf professional? 

NATALIE VIVALDI: My entire career, from high school to college and now professionally, has been an incredible journey and mash-up of thousands of incredible people I have met and opportunities I have been given that I would have never had if I wasn’t a female in this industry. I am 27 years old, living my dream life, and for now, I wouldn’t change a thing. I consider myself pretty lucky to have found that through the SCPGA and a career in the golf industry at such a young age.



What inspired you to pursue a career as a female golf professional?

NATALIE VIVALDI: I always knew I wanted to be a professional player, but I never thought I would join the PGA. When I met Holly Kennedy at the Isle, she changed my perspective on what it meant to be a golf professional. I learned I could continue to compete while also growing the game which was my absolute dream job. To me, this industry isn’t about the golf itself, the courses, or the money you make playing; it’s about the opportunities that are presented to you through the game, the people you get to meet along the way, and the experiences you share together.


What’s something you wish everyone knew about the Southern California Section?

NATALIE VIVALDI: Some of the most incredible professionals out there are the SCPGA. It is fun to be a part of such an active section with great people and incredible players.